
Kategori Arşivleri: Education

What companies are doing about work-from-home fatigue

Many employees are finding that it’s their routine that’s bogging them down. This phenomenon is known as routine fatigue, specifically, working from home fatigue—or more generally, pandemic fatigue—and it’s creating disengaged employees. Even the things people do to break up their routine have become routine (e.g. going for a walk, having a snack, calling a […]

20 AWS Data Engineer Interview Questions and Answers

Auto-scaling is an essential concept for cloud computing professionals, and interviewers want to gauge your understanding of this feature in AWS. The ability to automatically adjust the number of computing resources based on the application’s demand can significantly impact the performance, cost-efficiency, and reliability https://remotemode.net/become-an-aws-cloud-engineer/ of the system. By asking this question, interviewers can assess […]